Sheep Yard Case Study - Lochibie Stockyard

Working cattle in an ineffective set of yards made of conventional wire fencing was a challenge for Colin Murdoch of “Lochibie” farm in Ando, NSW. Colin runs 4,300 Merino ewes on this 3,000-acre property, and the secondary set of sheep yards they had were essentially useless.
Arrowquip’s Portable Yards provided the solution that Colin required for this operation. With two sets of yards that can be moved easily and up anywhere that is necessary, Colin has found the Arrowquip yards to be a far more effective solution than moving sheep to the main working facility every time. The portable yards have been an excellent investment as a means of saving time, labor, and travel.
Other main advantages Colin has found with their new yards are the simplicity of the panels locking together, and the ability to drive a picket post into the gateway for stabilization. Additionally, the design has made for easy and efficient flow through the system. “The sheep draft exceptionally well … once they start to draw, you take the pressure off and they just speed through”.
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